
Instructions: Locate objects, lines, and forms that most resemble each letter of the alphabet, from A to Z. Letters can be discovered in natural and man-made forms, found in shadows, or made by cropping with the frame of the camera. But please don't manipulate subject matter to create your letter forms.

26 photos

Fixed Position

Instructions: Camera on tripod. Plop it down somewhere, and from that position, do a deep interrogation of the scene to find multiple compositions, strong or interesting or surprising compositions. You can move the camera around on the tripod, but you cannot move the legs of the tripod. You can pan and tilt, spin, zoom in and out, adjust focus, aperture, shutter speed, but you cannot move the legs of the tripod. Shoot the equivalent of a roll of 35mm film (~36 frames).

10/36 photos

Shadow Diary

A project devised by Lynn Saville

Instructions: “As small children, we are more aware than adults of a constant companion who accompanies us everywhere: our shadow. In order to rekindle a fertile, childlike, and visual imagination, create a shadow diary.

Like a written diary, your series of ten to fifteen photographs or visual “entries,” should suggest a narrative or reveal a linked set of perceptions. You may want to trace your own shadow’s “adventures,” its interactions with other shadows, or your perceptions of shadows around you. Experiment with different angles and perspectives, various times of day and night, and different moods. Also, feel free to create shadows using your own lighting arrangements. As you sequence your diary, focus on elements of visual language such as shape, contrast, depth of field, and composition.”

A semester of photography

This page is a collection of three photography projects completed during an Experiential Exploration Program (EEP), an option in the University of Cincinnati Cooperative Education Program. These projects were completed at Studio/lab Chicago under the tutelage of Tim Wilson. 

Photography / Personal Projects / Spring 2021